Whether you’re new to croquet, or looking for who's who in the European Masters, you’ve come to the right place.
Let the games begin!
The goal of the European Croquet Masters is to encourage more competition between players from different countries which are members of the Féderation
Européenne de Croquet (FEC) / European Croquet Federation.
Croquet-playing countries will usually organise a number of tournaments per season. If they choose to flag one or more of those for the European Masters, top-scoring players can earn points for themselves, or their country, in that tournament - see Table adjacent.
To earn points for your country, you need to be the best scoring player from your country in that particular tournament.
To earn points as an individual, you need to travel to another country’s European Masters event, or finish in the top eight of your own country’s European Masters event.
At the end of the season, there will be a trophy awarded to the top-scoring country, and the top scoring player in each of Association and Golf Croquet.
Games played in the FEC European Championships, where players are nominated by their country's national croquet body, have 5 points added to the aggregate shown in the table adjacent.
"El juego se desarrolla normal e independientemente para cada grupo de cuatro bolas. Obviamente, hay que tener especial cuidado para evitar las posibles colisiones entre las bolas de los dos diferentes partidos"
- Federación Española de Croquet
"Krocket ist eine eigenständige, außerordentlich interessante und herausfordernde Sportart, die vereinfachend als eine Mischung von Billiard, Schach und Golf kategorisiert werden könnte."
- Deutsche Krocket Bund
"Comme aux échecs, il est important d’imaginer son jeu bien à l’avant ; et comme au billard, donner de l’effet aux boules peut devenir primordial."
- Croquet Federation of Belgium
"Il croquet, uno sport socievole"
- Federazione Italiana Sport Croquet